LAFR Competition Entries

Here they are... in all their beauty. Judges, it is important that you use the provided aircraft evaluation forms (created by Dan Forest) so that you can easily compare performance and handling qualities to the separate aircraft. Have fun judging! Member, there are more than one category that an aircraft can fill. Here are the categories to perk your memory:

Please take the time to write up an evaluation of each aircraft, doesn't have to be long, but be sure to include details on why you feel it would best fit the role or what was something that bothered you about the aircraft. Send me your reports via e-mail within a few days to have your vote count. I will post the final results by this Sunday and then we can finally post all these aircraft on the registry!

Official LAFR Judging Forms

I highly suggest overriding any download-accelerator you might be using, some servers are picky about that.


If one of the links does not work for any reason imaginable, please e-mail me immediately, these links are very important. Included in the zip files should be a document with basic information on the aircraft that will help you fill out the judges sheet. I recommend you print it out.

Have fun! Thanks again everyone! This turned out awesome.

E-mail me with any questions

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